AI Classification

The AI classification page serves as a platform for manually adding files as samples to facilitate learning about specific labels. Users can upload files to the AI classification page, providing samples that enable the AI system to better understand and recognize the characteristics associated with particular labels. By adding files manually, users contribute to the training process of the AI model, allowing it to gain insights and improve its accuracy in classifying data according to predefined labels.

When a user clicks on the "Train New Classifier" option, the AI system initiates a learning process that may take some time, depending on the server's processing capabilities and the volume of provided files. During this period, the AI system analyzes the uploaded files to learn and understand the characteristics associated with each label. The duration of this learning phase can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the data and the computational resources available.

Once the learning process is complete, the AI system generates a report indicating its accuracy in classifying the provided samples. This accuracy assessment is based on the number and quality of samples provided by the user for training purposes. The AI system evaluates its performance in correctly categorizing the files according to the predefined labels, providing valuable insights into its classification capabilities.

Overall, the training process allows the AI system to continuously improve its accuracy and effectiveness in classifying data, enhancing its ability to provide reliable and consistent classification outcomes over time.

After adding files to the portal, administrators need to train the AI by clicking on "Train new classifier." This process typically takes around 15 minutes. Once completed, the system informs the administrator about the accuracy percentage of the training and the number of documents involved in the process.

After clicking "deploy," the system confirms that the labels of the classification groups have been successfully trained.

In the main page of the AI classification, users have access to a search bar that enables them to filter or search for classification groups by their names. This feature enhances user navigation and efficiency by allowing them to quickly locate specific classification groups within the system.

There is also a search bar for every file in the Manage Training Data section.

Last updated