Classification Groups

Welcome to the Classification Group Page, a central hub for managing and organizing your data classification framework effectively. This page empowers users to create, customize, and edit classification groups tailored to the specific user’s needs and requirements.

The Classification Group Page serves as a essential component in ensuring that your data assets are appropriately categorized, organized, and safeguarded according to established policies and regulatory standards. Here, users can define classification groups such as ISO27001, NIST, or other customized classifications that align with their best practices and internal data governance guidelines.

At the top left of the page, users will find a convenient search bar designed to update the process of locating specific classification groups by their name. This search functionality enhances user efficiency and accessibility, allowing users to quickly locate and access the classification groups they require without the need for extensive navigation.

When Label Ordering is enabled, users can choose to either downgrade or upgrade the classification level of files based on their preferences.

  • Downgrade: This action changes a file's classification level from a higher sensitivity level (e.g., "Restricted") to a lower sensitivity level (e.g., "Public").

  • Upgrade: Conversely, an upgrade changes a file's classification level from a lower sensitivity level to a higher one.

Users have the option to block either the downgrade or the upgrade process for users when label ordering is enabled. This setting allows users to maintain control over the classification levels of their files, ensuring that sensitive information remains appropriately protected while providing flexibility for managing data access and permissions.

The labeling option allows users to decide how new labels are created within our system. Users can choose between three modes: AI, manual, or recommendation.

  • AI Mode: In this mode, the system uses artificial intelligence to automatically generate labels based on patterns and data analysis.

  • Manual Mode: Users have full control in this mode. They manually assign labels to data based on their judgment and understanding of the content.

  • Recommendation Mode: This mode combines the strengths of both AI and manual modes. The system suggests labels based on AI analysis, but users have the final say and can override the suggestions if needed.

When classification is mandatory, users must classify files before sending them. This ensures that all files are properly categorized, enhancing organization and data management practices.

If a user needs to leave the General Settings page without completing their changes, they will be prompted to either save or discard the modifications they have made. This ensures that any adjustments made to the settings are handled appropriately, maintaining data integrity and preventing unintended alterations.

On the right-hand side of the page, users have the option to create a new classification group. During this process, users can customize settings specifically for the newly created classification group. These settings, as illustrated previously, include options such as allowing label changes, defining label ordering, setting classification as mandatory, and specifying labeling options.

All created classifications will be listed down the page for easy reference and management. This comprehensive list provides users with a clear overview of all existing classification groups within the system.

When a user selects any of the listed classification groups, they will be directed to a dedicated page displaying specific labels associated with that group. For instance, the ISO classification group may include three distinct labels tailored for classifying files within the ISO framework. These classification labels offer users a structured approach to organizing and categorizing data in alignment with ISO standards.

A search bar is available to facilitate users in searching for specific labels within the classification group. Users can enter keywords such as label name, restriction level, or associated regulations to locate the desired label quickly and efficiently.

Enabling this toggle button allows users to freely rearrange the available labels according to their preferences regarding their priorities. By utilizing drag-and-drop functionality, users can adjust the sequence of labels within the classification group to reflect their desired order or significance.

Users have the option to check the details of each label. This functionality allows users to access detailed information about individual labels, including their name and description.

The user just started the tour.

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