Departments & Servers

The Departments and Servers page is a platform where users and servers are listed and organized. Within this page, users can find detailed information regarding both organizational departments and server entities. The page provides a centralized view of all users and servers associated with the system, facilitating efficient management and oversight.


In every department and at the top of the page, users can view essential information including the department name, description, and the department IP address range. This full display provides users with clear visibility into the attributes and configurations associated with each department, facilitating effective management and oversight.

The search bar provided on the page is designed specifically for searching departments by their names.

Departments can be edited and deleted through the corresponding icons provided for each department.

Within each department, users have the capability to be moved or copied to other departments as needed. This functionality allows administrators to efficiently manage user assignments and organizational structures within the system.

The destination department for users who need to be copied or moved can be selected through a straightforward process.


This tab is related to the server scanner service. When the scanner is installed on the server, the server will be automatically recognized in the portal, displaying the server name and its associated data. The Servers section focuses on data classification within server environments.

When the policy with its classification groups is saved, navigate to the server section. You will see that the policy is already assigned to the server.

Last updated