Classification Groups
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In the Classification Groups Dashboard, files are categorized based on their classification groups, with each classification group offering detailed information about the files it covers. This dashboard provides users with a comprehensive view of file classifications and associated details, enabling efficient data management.
On the right-hand side of the page in the Classification Groups Dashboard, users will find the total number of classifications obviously displayed. Below the total number, a detailed list of classifications is provided, offering insights into the different classification groups present in the system.
Additionally, a search bar is available within the window, allowing users to efficiently search for specific classification groups. This feature enhances user experience by enabling quick and convenient access to relevant classification group information, facilitating navigation and analysis.
In the Classification Groups Dashboard, each classification group is clickable, enabling users to interactively explore and access detailed information about specific classification groups.
On the top of the Classification Groups Dashboard page, users will find a tile that displays the total number of files classified by the AI system and manually, respectively. This feature provides users with valuable insights into the distribution of classified files and the contribution of automated AI classification versus manual classification efforts within the organization.
Files Classified by AI: This number represents the total count of files that have been classified by the AI system. AI-driven classification offers efficiency and scalability by automating the classification process based on predefined criteria and machine learning algorithms.
Files Classified Manually: This number indicates the total count of files that have been manually classified by users or administrators. Manual classification may involve human judgment and intervention to assign appropriate classifications based on appropriate understanding and organizational policies.
In addition to displaying the total number of files classified by AI and manually, the Classification Groups Dashboard features a tile indicating the AI accuracy of the system. This accuracy is calculated based on the ratio of files classified by AI versus manual classification efforts.
For instance, if the AI classified 93% of the files while manual classification accounted for the remaining 7%, the AI accuracy is determined as 93%.
In the middle of the page, users will encounter a chart that visually represents the same information listed on the left-hand side of the page, though in the form of a graphical representation. This chart serves as a visual aid for users to grasp key insights and trends related to file classifications and classification groups within the organization.
In the Classification Groups Dashboard, the chart not only visualizes the number of files according to their classifications but also provides users with dynamic insights when hovering the mouse over the chart. When users hover their mouse over specific sections of the chart, the system displays the percentage of files represented by that particular classification group in relation to the total number of files in the system.
When users click on the total groups on the left-hand side list, the right-hand side of the dashboard will dynamically update to display the file types associated with the system.
When a user clicks on any of the classifications listed on the left-hand side of the Classification Groups Dashboard, several updates occur to provide users with more detailed insights:
Chart Update: The chart in the middle of the dashboard dynamically updates to reflect the selected classification. This update allows users to visualize the distribution of files within the chosen classification group, providing a graphical representation of data distribution and trends.
Detailed Information: Additional details related to the selected classification are displayed on the left-hand side of the dashboard. These details may include:
Total number of files classified under the selected classification.
When a user selects one of the classification groups from the list on the left-hand side of the page, several interactive features become available:
Hover Information: When users hover their mouse over a segment of the graph, additional information related to that specific classification category is displayed.
Clickable Graph: The graph in the chart becomes clickable, allowing users to interactively explore the data. By clicking on different segments of the graph representing each classification category (e.g., Restricted, Internal Only, Public), users can drill down to view more detailed information about each category.
Detailed Information on the Right-hand Side: On the right-hand side of the dashboard, detailed information specific to the selected classification group is displayed. This information may include:
The total number of departments and servers associated with the selected classification group.
A breakdown of file types classified under the selected classification group (e.g., documents, images, spreadsheets).
When a user selects a classification group from the chart, the left-hand side tiles that are displayed will include the following information:
Department and File Statistics: This tile provides insights into the departments and their associated file statistics within the selected classification group.
Server and File Statistics: This tile offers information regarding the servers and their corresponding file statistics within the selected classification group.
File Types: This tile presents a breakdown of file types classified under the selected classification group.
Expanding the first tile of department and file statistics, users will find detailed information about the total number of files related to the chosen section from the chart. This tile provides insights into how files are distributed across different departments within the selected classification group. Each department listed in the tile is clickable, allowing users to further explore the files corresponding to the type in the chart.
Upon clicking on a specific department, users are presented with a detailed view of the files associated with that department and classified under the selected classification group.
Beside every user listed in the department and files statistics tile, a "Check Files" option is available, enabling users to conveniently access the files related to that specific user. By clicking on "Check Files," users are directed to the Classification Groups Dashboard, where they can explore and analyze the files associated with the selected user.
Upon clicking "Check Files," the system redirects the user to the Classification Groups Dashboard, where they can view a filtered view of files specifically related to the selected user. This filtered view enables users to focus on the files associated with the chosen user, facilitating efficient data management and analysis.
In the Classification Group Dashboard, the top section of the page displays user information, including username, machine name, MAC address, and IP address. Below this information, users have access to a search bar and filter option to refine their file listings based on specific criteria.
User Information: The username, machine name, MAC address, and IP address are obviously displayed at the top of the dashboard.
Search Bar: The search bar allows users to enter file names to quickly locate specific files within the classification group.
Filter Option: Users can apply filters to refine the file listings based on specific date. By selecting a date range using the filter option, users can specify the time period for which they want to view files classified under the selected classification group.
File Listings: Below the search bar and filter option, the dashboard displays a list of file names associated with the selected user and classification group. Each file listing includes details such as file name, file path, and date of classification.
In the Classification Group Dashboard, the "Servers and Files Statistics" tile reflects the user's choice on the chart and provides insights into the distribution of files across servers related to the selected classification group. In your example, the tile indicates that there are a total of 5 server files associated with the "Restricted" choice.
This tile serves as a summary of server-related statistics specific to the chosen classification group, offering valuable information about the distribution and utilization of files across different servers within the organization.
The overview of the classification groups within the servers will be viewed in this dashboard. For example, if the Business Categories classification group is assigned to the scanner, you can hover over the chart in the middle of the page to see the types of documents under this classification group.
The last tile in the Classification Group Dashboard is dedicated to "File Types," which dynamically updates based on the user's selection from the classification group list on the left-hand side and their choice in the classification group chart.
This tile provides users with insights into the distribution of file types associated with the selected classification group. It offers a breakdown of different file formats and types that are classified under the chosen category, allowing users to understand the composition and nature of files within the classification group.
In the Classification Groups Dashboard, users have the ability to access more detailed information about file classifications, whether they were classified manually or by AI, as well as accuracy metrics. This information can be accessed by clicking on associated with each file type displayed on the dashboard.